Learning Theories


Learning Theory is a model of concepts and rules designed to explain how people learn.


Learning is based on the interaction between stimuli and response. The important think is behavior can be measured and observed.We made it!

  1. Clasical Conditioning (Pavlov)  The conditional response occurs when the neutral stimulus receives the conditional stimulus.
  2. Contiguity Theory (Watson, Guthrie) According to Watson, environmental factors play a role in the formation of behavior. He calls the mind ‘tabula rasa’ (blank sheet). Also Watson is known for the fear conditioning experiment so little albert experiment. According to him, there is no need to reinforce it for learning and learning occurs though contiguity and repetetion. According to Guthrie, the basic law of learning is simultaneous conditioning.
  3. Connectionism Theory (Thorndike) – The Organism encounter with an apethetic stimulant learning. That makes behavior permanent.
  4. Operant Conditioning (Skinner) – The organism shold be increased to represent through the expansion of a behavior. Operant Conditioning refers to the people behavior ; they openup as conscious reaction to achive ‘reinforcement’ . If the end  this behavior results in a satisfactory behavior, the behavior is repeated. A behavior made in two ways ; ”reinforcement”, ”punishment”
  1. Sign Learning Theory (Tolman) – The important think is behave instead of consciousness and observation instead of insight. The most important charecteristic of behavior is that it is aimed at reason. Tolman uses the concept of ‘Intervening Variables’. For Tolman, the concept of ”expectation” is important. It plays a role in finding direction and control of behavior when expectation comes out.
  2. Gestalt Theory (Wertheimer, Koffka, Köhler) – In the pursuit of being a whole. The whole is more meaningful than the sum of the parts. In Gestalt Theory, the method used to look at how people perceive is a way of looking inside. Perception is organized. Perceptual organization law ; similarity, continuation, closure, proximity, figure n ground.
  3. Social Cognitive Learning (Bandura) – There is a need for another person to take the learning. Learns by observing another person.
  4. Information Processing Theory- Focus on memory. Computer and human mind are similar. Forget is actually the problem of bringing it back. İnstant memory, short-term memory and long- term memory are important. Information can be stored in three different formats when it comes long-term memory. These are episodic memory, semantic memory and cognitive memory. 
  1. Child Development Theory (J. Piaget) – The mind is always the actor when we learn. Piaget keeps mental development dependent on age and defines it in 4 steps; Sensorymotor (0-2), Pre-operational(2-7), Concrete Operational(7-11), Formal Operational (11+).
  2. Sociocultural Theory (Vygotsky) – Vygotsky gave importance to thinking and language. It is important for the child to internalize the knowledge by first showing his/her development without assistance and then by developing the help from adult.
  3. Discovery Learning (J.Bruner) – According to Bruner, cognitive development is divided into 3 phases; ”Enative (0-3)”, ”Imaginative (3-6)”, ”Sembolic(7+)”.
  4. Social Activism Theory (J. Dewey) – Dewey focused on the education.


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